Born: 1984, Brazil

Lives and works in Stirling, Scotland

Tom is a self taught woodworker and also works in a Design and Technology department in secondary education.

Being unable to reach the woodwork shop due to the pandemic lockdown measure, Tom started making handburnished tree prints in his backgarden, after coming across the work of the artist Bryan Nash Gill in a home decoration magazine. His prints offer an insight into the life trajectory of trees and identifies similarities between their  ''stories'' and our own individual life stories.

His work is an example of how it is possible for artists to utilise modern CNC technology and traditional printmaking equipment and techniques to achieve unique work.

Tom invites the viewer to look at a tree’s biography, where periods of ‘’hardship’’ and abundance can be deciphered by looking closely at the variation of its growth rings over its lifetime.

Whilst absorbed by the exercise of making sense of the concentric lines contained iin his prints, the viewer may entangle the life trajectory of the tree with their own life story.

2022 - VACMA Award (Viusal Arts and Craftmakers Award)

2023- DCA Print Studio collective show at Birnam Arts

2023- Autumn Editions at Made in Stirling

-DCA Print Studio collective Show at Dundee Contemporary Arts